Cave Explorer Hexapod Lunar Rover




Universidad, La Salle Benjamin Franklin No.45

Authors: ALVA Team



 This paper discusses the design of a hexapod rover for lunar exploration, considering key aspects such as locomotion in hard-to-reach areas, intelligent adhesion to lunar cave walls, the study of resources such as water trapped beneath the surface of the Moon, the implementation of advanced technologies, such as the use of shape-memory polymers and adhesion systems based on Van der Waals forces, electrostatic technology, to achieve effective displacement in challenging lunar environments. In addition, energy recharging strategies through charging stations and the application of the TRIZ methodology to solve specific challenges in the design of the rover are discussed. This integrative approach seeks not only to improve the rover's efficiency and autonomy, but also to lay the foundation for future lunar exploration missions and even other planets.



On the other hand, it wouldn't just be limited to cave exploration; the structure of the C.E.H.L.R. will allow us to explore places that a conventional rover could not.



Every goal has a challenge to be met. In this writing, we will address and follow up on each of them, arriving at the most optimal solution for each objective.

To find the most optimal solution to the problems, the difficulties and challenges are analyzed, then filtered with the application of the TRIZ (Inventive Problem Solving Theory) methodology.

And finally, the information is enriched with the use of artificial intelligence to obtain a better result.




Some of the objectives of the C.E.H.L.R. are:


·         The extraction and study of water trapped beneath the lunar regolith


·         Taking advantage of the rover's locomotion to explore hard-to-reach places.


·         Exploit the versatility of the rover, and study the Moon like never before


·         The execution of experiments in order to know the physical composition, the internal structure and the evolutionary processes that it had to go through to make it what it is today, the Moon, using seismographs, spectrometers, etc.





Due to the seismological activity of the Moon, we will not be able to explore the caves for 31 Earth days, which is how long these events last, so it would be impractical to mount the (RTG) Rdiosotope Thermoelectric Generator on the rover, because, apart from being quite heavy, it is very large.

To cover the energy demands of the rover in the absence of the radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG), we will use lithium sulfate batteries, these unlike conventional batteries are more durable and allow a greater energy capacity, although they have some defects that, if they occur, can be critical for the integrity of the rover.

And for these defects, the American company Lyten developed a material called 3D graphene that is produced with the use of a 3D printer, thanks to this material Lithium sulfate batteries are an option to supply the energy demand of the Rover.

The difference is in graphite, in most lithium batteries, graphite is used to store the electrons given up by lithium, when they are charged, and if we replace graphite with sulfur when storing the electrons given up, we will have a higher energy density that translates into much more energy, faster charging times and great energy efficiency.





Rover Temperature

It is important to keep scientific instruments in the best conditions to maximize their efficiency when operated, for this we need a system that allows us to keep them "warm".

This with the use of radiators, a thermal switch and a thermostat that tells the system when to activate or deactivate the Li-ion batteries, which will act as the heaters inside the rover, the radiators with the help of the switch will keep the rover in optimal condition, when the rover is below a critical temperature they will be activated and when there is an overheating in it, They will be disabled so that the radiators can dissipate heat, similar to what a vehicle does.

To keep the heat inside the rover and the cold out of it, we'll use a gold paint coating that will act as an insulator on the rover.

And not only gold paint will help us, but also one of the thermal insulators par excellence. Aero gel, this material, apart from being very light, is very good at retaining heat and repelling it.



Radar Imager subsurface

Thanks to this instrument we will be able to know what is under the rover with a range of 10 meters, it works thanks to the electromagnetic waves that make up the radars to then translate the information so that the rover can interpret and record it.

This would be a significant resource, as the rover explorer will be constantly changing heights on the lunar surface, even inside the caves is a great advantage in locating possible hidden water deposits, trapped below the surface inside the caves.

Battery storage


To maximize the use of the batteries, they will be divided into parts as a "sandwich" a similar formation was implemented in the company's electric vehicles (TESLA), to avoid overheating that would be caused by only using a larger battery, and this grouping would also give us a great advantage when harnessing the energy since all the batteries would be discharged and charged at the same time, a process in which a large battery would lose effectiveness.


The alignment of Tesla's batteries and the 3D lithium sulfate and graphene batteries developed by the American company (Lyten), would give us a great contribution to the energy section of our rover.


NASA is currently developing lithium, sulfur and selenium batteries with a similar purpose, these would be quite useful in a future redesign of the rover, it is expected that the system would eliminate 30% to 40% of the weight of the batteries in the rover, and also allow it to triple their energy storage.



Rover Guidance Systems


Sensors, cameras, lighting, etc. They are essential for the operation of the Rover and for the feedback of its environment in which it is located, as well as the roughness of the rover to apply the aforementioned stimuli.


The systems that will be used on the Rover are as follows:




LIDAR Spectrometer:


(Light Detection and Ranging or Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging):


With this sensor we will be able to orient the rover by calculating the distances between the obstacles and the rover, emitting infrared laser beams that impact the objects, these lasers when they bounce are captured by means of a receiver.


     And if we clear   

Travel time x speed of light



Once captured with the help of another location system, the information can be interpreted by generating a three-dimensional point map.

It should be noted that this sensor emits thousands of rays per second forming the so-called "point cloud", which is the information that is interpreted.


Machine Vision System


Since we won't have contact with the rover when exploring the moon caves for a long period of time, we need a system that allows it to "see" its surroundings and make decisions on its own.


Our rover's ability to "see."




 (Hazard Avoidance Cameras)


The rover will have 4 cameras, 2 on the back-bottom and another 2 on the sides of it, each with a 120° range of view.

software that unites the information of these instruments


Microscopic Camera

MI (Microscopic imager)


The rover will also feature a camera, underneath it, near the drill.


This camera will be used to take images of lunar rocks and soil from very close up to help scientists and engineers understand their properties for future missions


Auxiliary Lighting System:

(AIS) Auxiliary Illumination System


To maximise the efficiency of the cameras, a lighting system will be implemented on the rover so that they can have a clear image of the environment.


These lights will be strategically positioned throughout the Rover.


These lights are very important for the development of the mission since the explored areas lack the natural lighting provided by the sun.


The lights will be tested for the best wavelength configuration for the scanned environment.


With the help of all the cameras, it will allow the rover to remember an environment of 5x5 meters in area to make it easier for it to orient itself and regulate its movements.


Master Map


With all these instruments, the rover will achieve a clear interpretation of the environment.


The rover will be constantly exploring and sending data back to Earth, on the information it collects with the guidance system, once the data from numerous explorations of the rover has been collected, a master map of the cave system of the explored region will be created on Earth.

And with a master map we will be able to understand with much more detail and precision the formation and structure of all the caves that exist on the Moon.


Making an important discovery about our natural satellite.





At the time of landing, the Rover will have to check the status of all its components and orient itself, once this is done it will send the information to the cargo station that accompanies it, and then this information will be sent back to Earth and begin its operations configured per day as the rovers do on Mars, Depending on each observation, its objective will be updated as the lunar days go by.


I would like to point out that the Rover after landing will start a calibration process to know the environment in which it is deploying, it will also start a process that allows it to remember "the way home", so that in the event that it cannot orient itself for a period of time, it returns to its safe zone which is the landing site, a similar system is used on NASA missions.

Once the rover is familiar with its surroundings, it will begin exploring the Cave.





To further improve the orientation of the rover, an inercertial sensor will be used, which are composed of gyroscopes and accelerometers


Inertial sensor


These are used to measure linear accelerations as well as the angular velocities of an object in three dimensions, they are composed of:



They measure angular velocity on the X, Y, and Z axes (i.e., the rotation of the rover)



They measure linear acceleration on the X, Y, and Z axes.


By obtaining these measurements, the inertial sensor, regardless of the gravity and properties of the Moon, obtains the complete information of the rover's movement, although not completely.


Artificial intelligence



All software will be enhanced with the use of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), in certain aspects:


1. Prioritize areas of exploration:


Our rover, having explored areas of little utility and scarce resources, will learn to discard areas with these characteristics and focus on areas of interest, optimizing data collection


2. Real-time environment analysis:


With the information provided by the guidance system, the rover will be able to analyze the data in real time to locate findings of interest based on observations and records


3. Geological Identification:


The rover will be able to identify features of possible mineral deposits in lunar caves


4. Pattern Recognition:


The rover's A.I. will be able to identify patterns in the images and records in real time to pique their interest



Kalman Filtering


Kalman filtering is a mathematical algorithm that helps us to know the state of a dynamic object with a probabilistic approach, thanks to this filtering it will allow us to polish the information obtained by the orientation system, filling those "gaps" of information.



Prediction: In this phase you will predict the future state of the dynamic object


Correction: Once the state has been estimated, the favorable state is calculated based on the previous one, which is the prediction.

Thanks to this information, we will have a very "clean" and effective movement in our rover when it comes to climbing, moving forward and thinking.



Communications & Storage


The rover will have a short-range antenna with which it can transmit the information to the charging station so that the station can then send the information back to Earth using the Deep Space Network (DSP).


The transfer of data will be limited, so we will need to decide which data will be sent and which will not.




The information collected with the guidance and odometry system will be stored in a database independent of the information collected by the experiments, samples collected, etc.


This information is essential for the operation and feedback of our artificial intelligence.




As we mentioned before, there is a period of seismic activity on the Moon, with a seismograph in our recharging station we could record and classify the earthquakes, stability of the explored terrain and study the composition of the tenuous lunar atmosphere.


The seismograph will be positioned in the charging station due to its constant rest, since it will only be mobilized when there is a danger that compromises the mission, the advantages of the seismograph in the station:


·         It will not be influenced by the movement of the station during seismic periods


·         The communication interface will be more versatile as the station will feature the high-frequency antenna


·         It will study the seismological activity of the explored area to predict and avoid possible risks during the mission






Because damage to one of the rover's limbs could compromise the entire mission, self-repair will be implemented on the rover to seal cracks and ensure optimal rover performance


In order to repair the rover, you first need something that joins both parts of the fissure.


A coating of a shape memory alloy (SMAs) will be applied to the joints and extremities of the rover, which is the one that will be responsible for joining both parts of the damaged part, this coating will be applied to the parts of the rover where there is a greater stress on the part of the material, for example, on the extremities and their joints.


Once the stimulus that triggers the deformation of the alloy has been applied, it will be positioned so that when stimulated it seals the crack.


Healing Agent


This is a temporary solution since it could again suffer a simulated stress and could damage the piece again, thinking about this micro capsules will be implemented that will be around the alloy, these capsules will be activated after the alloy achieves its final shape, and this will be achieved simply by increasing the temperature even more causing the capsules to melt and let the healing agent flow through the crack sealing it completely.


Intelligent adhesion

Before we begin, we need to know how to move through the lunar regolith. This was a challenge, as lunar dust is not like what we know here on Earth; Earth's dust has been smoothed out by erosive processes that do not exist on the Moon. Therefore, dust on the lunar surface is like a bunch of crystals capable of damaging the integrity of systems. The other challenge was to achieve intelligent adhesion in the rover's extremities to the walls, as a spider would. This challenge was solved by implementing a system that gives the rover the property of increasing its roughness in order to advance more easily on the surfaces of the explored environment.



In order for our rover to achieve this effect on the walls, we will use SMMs (Shape Memory Materials). Shape-memory materials have the ability to "remember" their original molecular alignment; These materials react to stimuli applied to them and, after being deformed, return to their original shape. The stimuli can vary, the most common of which is the heating of Joules by the passage of an electric current.


Thanks to the stimulus-responsive materials we can make a coating on the extremities of the rover, with a system that can intelligently induce when to apply and stop applying the stimuli, achieving an intelligent adhesion in our rover.


More specifically, Alloys with Shape Memory will be used, as they have a high resistance and long life cycles, which the other materials of the same group do not.


A system will be implemented with a material that has a high porosity and will be bonded to the SMAs, which when activated, cause the change of its texture to achieve better adhesion.


This system was created based on the intelligent adherence that some animals such as geckos have, this technique is called biomimicry, with this ability on our side, we will be able to solve this problem and make the Rover a more versatile tool for space exploration and study of areas that are difficult to access.


It should be noted that the healing agent is micro particles to achieve a total seal of the piece.


The candidate for our healing agent inside the capsules will be the carnauba wax that is obtained in the leaves of some palm trees in Brazil, this because the wax of these palms has the ability to form a very durable protective layer.




Water Extraction

One of the most important objectives of the mission is the study of the water trapped in the lunar regolith, there is a wide variety of methods tested with lunar soil simulators based on the samples collected during the Apollo 11 mission, the results with these methods are very promising for their possible extraction.



Some of the methods consist of:


1. Redirecting sunlight with the use of concave mirrors to a point for sublimation of water trapped in the lunar soil


2. Mechanical extraction, with the use of a system of mechanisms, it is planned to extract the lunar ice directly


3. Microwave heating, this process consists of applying an excitation with the use of microwaves in the lunar regolith samples causing an excitation of the magnetic field to which the regolith is to be aligned, this excitation will trigger the release of water from the regolith under controlled conditions

Of all the methods mentioned above, the one that piqued my interest was the: 3. The use of microwaves, this method is the most convenient for the structure and capabilities of the Rover, since it does not need a complex mechanical system, nor large structures for its operation, in addition this method can be easily adapted to be compact and portable, providing a huge advantage in the performance of the Rover.


Microwave separation method

Successfully extracting water from the lunar regolith is crucial to determining the viability of future settlements and scientific research on the Moon, hence why my instrument.

The instrument uses microwaves as a method of extracting water trapped in samples collected by the rover's drill.

Drill on the rover

The operation for extraction is similar to that of a hammer, before starting the drill will be fixed to the rock or surface in which you want to drill, this in order to ensure its stability and efficiency.

Once the drill starts drilling it will determine how "hard" the rock is, and based on this it will increase its power, this power is classified in levels, similar to what the Preserverance rover does on Mars.




Drill Power Levels:

·         2-4: The drill will only use the tip of the drill bit to drill


·         4-6: The drill will increase how often it "hits" the surface


·         6-8: The drill will rotate and hit the surface at a high frequency


·         8-10: The drill will increase the frequency with which the above process is performed.


Thanks to the design of this drill bit it will allow us to extract the sample with the drill bit itself when drilling the surface, similar to when you drill the wall with a drill and the dust remains on the drill bit.


Sample Sorter

L.S.C (Lunar Sample Classifier)


A similar technique was performed on lunar surface simulators (chemical compositions that mimic the properties of lunar regolith) or also called LHS-1, which is created based on samples collected during the Apollo 11 mission in 1969.

And according to these studies, the most important factor in separating water from the sample lies in the porosity of the sample.

What the sample classifier will do, with the help of spectrometers on the rover such as the APXS, is to determine the porosity, amount of water trapped in the sample, amount of the sample extracted and chemical composition of the sample

Samples will be classified into:

·         A: 20% to 40% porosity in samples

·         B: 60% to 80% porosity in the sample

·         C: Samples without the presence of water

·         D: Samples with unique properties for your study

Once the samples are classified, they will be stored in sample tubes, in which the sample will be transferred to the container and we can begin with the separation and collection of the water in them.



What makes this technique effective is that microwaves excite the polar molecules of the water, this makes them want to align themselves with the electric field applied by the device, and when this excitation is generated it produces heat thanks to the friction produced between these excited molecules.

Having said this, let's start with the operation of the device, the samples once they are classified will be placed in a container that we will call a crucible (the crucible is a container made with materials that has a high resistance to high temperatures), the crucible will be sealed

Then it will be manipulated with a controlled movement inside the rover for the distribution of water and will be left to rest for a few hours for a better distribution in the trapped water, followed by that it will be weighed with the spectrometer that will help us to disregard particles of the other compounds, calculating the remaining particles that would be the mass of the  .

The crucible will have an outer layer of alumina ceramic, to counteract the thermal shock that could be caused by the abrupt change in temperature in the material and also prevent the material from binding to the crucible contaminating the sample.

Depending on the water contained in the sample, it will be compressed with a force to improve heat transfer and make the sample uniform, dense, and consistent.

The crucible will then be transferred to a cryo-cooler, which will cool the vessel to a temperature of -183 C°, in order to maximize the efficiency of the operation and be under controlled conditions.

The sample will be cooled using , (Nitrogen), which will be stored in a small compartment inside the Rover.

I would like to mention that the nitrogen used will only be necessary to replicate the experiment with the maximum of all the classifications of the samples, as nitrogen will only be used to cool the crucible under controlled conditions and in an airtight system it can be reused with a system designed exclusively for that.

Once this is cleared, the sample after being cooled, will return to the crucible where it will begin to be heated due to microwaves.

During this process, the system will be constantly pumped using a slide pump, as we want to make sure that there is no contaminant that has crept into the system, also to keep the environment at a low pressure, avoid unwanted chemical reactions and mainly to ensure that the water vapor can be released.

Tuners will be used to control the power of the waves to which the sample will be subjected and to maximize their absorption for the separation of the water in the form of vapor.

Default settings will be implemented for different sample types as instructed by the classifier, in order to maximize the performance of the instrument.

The microwaves when produced will pass through a small cylindrical tube where they will be absorbed by the sample, a pressure sensor will be implemented in the system to measure the pressure of the system, a pyrometer will be used to measure the surface temperature of the samples inside the crucible.

During the heating process, the pyrometer will be recording the temperature every 5 minutes for the recording of the operation, the water vapor will be trapped in the walls of the crucible, then it will be condensed and separated from the sample, and then stored for study and experimentation.


This method proved promising in lunar simulators such as LHS-1, and it is assumed that the effectiveness of the method is not determined by the geological composition or geographic location on the Moon but by the porosity of the sample.

This is due to the saturation in the samples, this refers to the agglomeration of the small parts of the sample or how far apart they are from each other, this concept is called the contact zone.

And when heating is applied, the water trapped in these small parts of the regolith expands in the form of gas causing its release, if the porosity is low there will be more "pores" in the sample facilitating the passage of the water, otherwise it will be more difficult, another important factor is the amount of water in the sample, since, if there is more water, it will have a greater expansion and speed up the process

The problem with high saturation in samples can be solved by simply increasing the temperature to which the sample is subjected or by using susceptors that are microwave susceptible materials to maximize heat absorption in the samples


One of these experiments will be electrolysis, in order to find out if it is feasible to be used as a fuel source.

The collection effectiveness of this instrument is expected to be on average up to 62.86%.












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